Monday, November 3, 2014

SUPERHERO STAUSS! and other random thoughts/pics

As described in the margin of our blog, we have a "Superheroes are little boys in disguise" theme and a sign that says "Super Staussen's Fan Club." My awesome aunt, Kim Dover, made the adorable banner and signs to hang up in our hospital room. I plan to keep it with all the pictures in Staussen's room for the next 3+ years of chemotherapy treatment. We would LOVE more pictures of anyone following our little boy's story who wants to contribute! It really brightens up the room and gives us strength when we see the faces of family and friends!

Random pics from my phone:

Had to capture this!

After he got re-accessed (stuck with a new needle), he was so sad that he didn't even want to pick a prize :(.

Steroids are kicking in... the doctors weren't kidding--he is really eating a LOT!

Nurses and doctors were so awesome to dress up for Halloween! He sat down all Halloween day, though. He didn't want to move around at all. We finally took him to the desk where the nurses were and they offered him candy. He only took lollypops. Didn't want anything else. He opened every single one, took one lick, and then was done, ha ha. 

These last two weeks has been the longest yet fastest two weeks of my life. I hope to write a little bit more and post some more pictures, but for now I don't have time or energy. One thing I would like to say is that our little boy is definitely a superhero to us. Every day is getting harder for him and for us as the effects of his treatment are kicking in (the doctors have warned us that this is an intense month of treatment). I was watching home videos of him today and it broke my heart as I held in my lap this sick, weak, traumatized, and exhausted little boy that used to be (two weeks prior) running around full of life with boundless energy and ready to conquer the world. Even though his body is going through a lot and his emotions are even more intense and difficult to deal with (due to his treatment), he is such a fighter. He has such a strong spirit and so much love... even though he acts more cranky on the outside because of everything happening to him, I can still see moments of him being so sweet, loving, and brave. 

And I can't fail to mention my little 4-month-old angel :)... babies really are angels in my eyes (I know it can be a lot of work to take care of them, but still!) Daisy has such a pure, sweet spirit fresh from heaven. Today I was staring at her while she was sleeping and just couldn't get over her amazing, glowing countenance. She is so beautiful. I hope, and will try my hardest, to remember the innocent and AMAZING baby stage. Everyone always tells me the cliche that the baby stage  goes fast. But it's such a precious tender time. I'm trying to soak it in. My mom is so wonderful and flew out here to help take care of her during the day while I am at the hospital. It's been a lifesaver, but my heart is still torn between my two kids. I miss Daisy so much while we are separated for long stretches of time without her. But it makes every reunion so much sweeter and I appreciate her even more. 

I also feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I have the most amazing husband ever. We are both imperfect and have our struggles like every person does, but we are perfect for each other. He is my best friend and is so patient with me. I feel like circumstances are straining and it's hard to stay close when we are not focused on our relationship, but the last two days I feel so much closer to him. We are learning how to grow closer through the trials. In fact, I was debating if I should share this video (I made it for his birthday this year) because it's kinda cheesy and lovey dovey and all that... but hey, it's us and our love is such an important priority. I watched this video several times recently and it reminded me of the importance of our relationship and made my desire and commitment to him grow even stronger.  Okay, I know it's super cheesy but I am still gonna share it and be proud of it :). 

I know this post is kinda random and doesn't flow. I don't know why...I'm just typing. 


  1. We love you Auna! The kids have been praying constantly for Staussen. They are so concerned about him. We'll be sending some pictures soon. Hugs!

  2. Love the pics and love you guys! We are sending a family pic soon to be on the fan wall :)

  3. Love the pictures! Staussen is my new favorite super hero :)

  4. It's so good to 'see' you guys. Thank you for taking the time to share. It means so much.
