Sunday, November 2, 2014


Okay so this is a week late, I am really slow but I wanted to get some awesome birthday action up on the blog. Thanks so much to my friend and professional photographer Kirsten Burner for taking pictures for us!!! Staussen turned two years old on Sunday Oct. 26th. We celebrated his party on saturday and sunday! We were not initially planning on having his birthday at the hospital but I think he actually had more presents, love, and birthday fun because of everything that happened with his cancer! Thank you to EVERYONE who sent gifts, cards, posters, videos and so many thoughtful and generous things to make his birthday SO SPECIAL! And FYI if it doesn't seem obvious he was having a Halloween Birthday theme this year. 

Pictures taken by Kirsten Burner:

Other pictures from his birthday weekend:

Staussen was obsessed with hitting his Elmo balloon (with that specific sword, using anything else would not do) that starting singing him happy birthday!

Staussen and the awesome Sommer family (my Aunt's family living near by) celebrating his birthday on sunday!

Ron's awesome Dad and cousin Megan coming to celebrate!

Eating ice cream cake is serious business. He downed it.

WOW! I spent a bit of time arranging all this LOVE! I wanted to capture how amazing everyones contribution to our Family/Staussen's birthday meant to us! The picture still doesn't do it justice. 

My lovely sister and brother in law helped us out SO MUCH with lot's of different logistics, juggling babies, and organizing during the first week of Staussen's hospital stay! Had to take a picture of them :)


  1. So many loving and loved faces! What a party!

  2. You all are so loved!! Thank you for sharing your words and pictures. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers! You really are a superhero family :)

  3. This looks like such a fun birthday party! I'm so glad :) Love the photos. I love reading your blogs, you are such a strong amazing woman. LOVE YOU!
